domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


The best invention this world has ever seen was introduced to me this week... I did not take photos of the event but my friend did so hopefully I can pop some up shortly... But this invention is called Pizooki... a mix of the words Pizza and cookie... so i guess in NZ it would be more appropriate to say piziscut...

So this Pizooki was AMAZING!!!!!!! many of us USACers have been craving sugary goodness so in the weekend just been a group of us decided to do something about it... Erik, Colleen Nathan and I took over my host families kitchen on sat night while they were out and we whipped up some super amazing 'cookie' dough... as chocolate chips were unavailable we settled for choc bars chopped into large chunks (how terrible a swap!!)... So then instead of making biscuits we used two rather large pizza trays and made gigantic cookies... We popped them into the oven and the secret which is very important is to not cook them fully so they are still kinda soft (using baking soda instead of powder also helps with this)... we watched them like hawks and took them out and while hot and soft and just melt in your mouth good... and dumped a huge ( very very large amount) of ice cream on the top of each one!!! AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING... so delicious and just what chocolate cravings needed... we ate soooooooooo much ( i was very glad i had not eaten tea).

We also watched a hardcore movie called 'sin nombre' was very realistic and sad about Mexican gangs and a family trying to get to the US. However it was all in spanish and very hard to understand.. thank goodness for good acting!!!

After the movie we were still extremely lleno (full) and so we all had to walk... I am not kidding when i say we all had cookie baby bellys following our experience!!! But so so worth it... very excited about next pizooki night though we will either cut the recipe or invite more people!!!!

Well apart from that I have also brought a bike... It is a single speed, back pedal to break, female frame, with a basket on the front sort of bike and I love it!!!!! my friends and I went for a mammoth ride on sat and our butts really felt it afterward... I would love to put up a photo but this will have to wait as it is late at night and I haven't yet taken one... Also I went out to ride it tonight and I had a flat tire :-( I do not wish for the first images of my bike to be ones of her wounded so you will have to just wait for later!!!
My new fav thing to do is ride the streets at night... it is such an old school bike I feel like I am Mary Poppins or something when I ride it!!!!

These are the most recent exciting happenings!!! I had a few 'exams' this week which were just fantastic... I cant say I miss writing mammoth essays, and small quizzes to get tested on knowledge of the paper and mid terms sure beat essays and 60% final exams!!!

Well that is my fin de semana (weekend)... I plan to use a bit of spanglish in this blog just to help all my kiwi friends get a feel for the lingo... lol...

It has been pretty hilarious teaching some of the kiwi lingo to the unitedstatesians... they really like the words Choice and Mankey and the phrases 'spit the dummy' and 'I'm keen'... I'm slowly converting them to true english!!!

well hopefully will post some photos soon...

Oh and for pizooki I would highly recommend the Nestle Toll House Cookie recipe... MUY RICO (super Yummy)!!!!


miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

I am a blogger

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So I really never thought I'd get a blog... not really the blog type at all... but as it turns out it seems like it may be the easiest way to keep every one up to date with my year away.... Please bear with me as I try to figure out what the higgle I'm trying to do and sorry if things don't work at all in the way they are supposed to... remember I am technologically inept.... Any way here goes....

I arrived over a month ago now and I am loving it... hot days, the beach, bit of travelling, some sweet, cruisey uni... not much to complain about really...

I am living with a host family, I have a 'mum' a 'dad' and FOUR yes FOUR younger 'sisters'... pretty different from one older brother to say the least...

I have my own sweet room and its own wee bathroom which is soooooo nice!!! Esp with 4 girls in the House!! (6 including me and the mum!!)
So took ages to upload and realised I had forgotten to flip them so you will just have to turn your heads sideways sorry, I'm not going through the upload process again... above is my bathroom...

My room... above my desk and all important surfboard... Below my bed...

And this is my house from the street...

The house is pretty extreme and it takes Four DIFFERENT keys to get inside the front door... One for the fence gate, one for the porch door, then if the padlock is on the porch door one for that and THEN the front door....... Hopefully we never have fire because it will be pretty extreme getting out of the house with all those locks in a hurry!!!!!!!

in case you dont know what four keys look like...These are all for the front entrance!!!

I live right round the corner from uni which is good as mon- wed I have 8 am classes and on thurs I start at 7am!!!!!!! No class on fri thankfully

Uni is right across from the beach... great view from the balcony...

So since I have been here I have taken up surfing which is super fun!!! The water is sooo warm which really helps with improving as you can be in it easily for 3 hrs or so...

me and my surfboard... I have named it Taniwha... as it is such a beast and it goes in the sea (its 7.2 feet)

on our first real weekned here we went on a trip and did some zip lining or a canopy tour... pretty much extreme flying foxing!!!! was Choice... Then went to see some crocs...

check out steve erwins costa rican competition!!

2 weekends ago I went over to the Caribbean coast for 3 nights... It was absolutely stunning!!! We (my friends Brittany, Nathan and I) stayed in the most hilarious cabin... the loo didnt flush so we had to use a pot of water... the sink leaked all over the floor so we had a constant flood and the shower actually was like a drip.. so we showered firstly using a cup and the sink and then once we got our flushing pot we used that and a cup!!! pretty interesting...

We did some hardcore adventuring on bicycles to this amazing town and snorkeled over this reef... The fish and coral were stunning... I felt like i was on Finding Nemo...
The second day we went to a national park... the water was soooooo blue just like the images you see when you think of the Caribbean!!!

We also saw some monkeys...

it was really funny.... these tiny wee things made enormous noises!!! Toward the end of the day we saw what I thought to be a pretty coloured worm... it was red, yellow and black, I decided to get a close up pic before it wriggled away... Nathan then recited a poem he'd learnt in school about snakes to discover it was a pretty dangerous baby coral snake...apparently they are kinda (as in very) venomous... luckily i was travelling with wised up people other wise I could have gotten a little too close!!!
The tail end of the 'pretty colourful worm'

That however was not the end of our animal adventures... That night after tea we were walking back into the room when Nathan asked...."what was that" Brittany and I had no idea we turned on the lights and Nathan looked under the wardrobe and there was the most enormous crab this world has seen poised in attack position... After a few nervous moments we managed to get it out of the room... before looking to make sure there were no more lurking in the corners of our humble abode... We still have no idea how he got in in the first place...

He was ready to attack!!!!!

We had independence day last week on the 15th of sept... On the 14th at night they have a cool parade with faroles or lanterns and the kids walk through the streets...

My younger sisters on either side (far left and far right) and friends with their faroles

Then on the 15th they have parades for a good hunk of the day... My younger sister was chosen to carry her school flag... my host mum was so proud!!!

Apart from that I have just been hanging round Puntarenas... hanging on the beach... and doing a little homework...

Last sunday I went with some friends to a church I really liked so things are looking up on the church front... hopefully it will mean some local friends...

I think I have caught you all up to date... I will do my best to keep this updated but no promises... and due to my severe dislike of waiting for photos to upload you will never again see so many in one post!!!!!!